הירשם עכשיו! נא למלא את הפרטים ואנו נחזור אליך בהקדם

Denise Cheese

Denise has owned and been around horses most of her life, competing in both dressage and show jumping. 
Following a career change, she retrained as an Equine Massage Therapist and now runs her own successful business in the United Kingdom (UK) where she has successfully treated everything from ‘happy hackers’ to semi-professionals horses. Passionate about horse health, she runs workshops throughout the UK on various equine topics to horse owners and equine professionals.

Denise is a fully qualified equine therapist and a member of the International Association of Animal Therapists, (IAAT) and all her courses are accredited by UK Rural Skills.



פתיחת שנת הלימודים בכל סניפי המכללה בתאריך 27.11.2023. אנו מאחלים הצלחה רבה לסטודנטים ומברכים את הסטודנטים החדשים על הצטרפותם למשפחת המכללה.

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