הירשם עכשיו! נא למלא את הפרטים ואנו נחזור אליך בהקדם

Carly Hillier

Carly Hillier (Dip Eq Sc UL) (Dip IAZ ) is the founder and director of Whitethorn Equine Health in Ireland – the global specialist in Equine Applied Zoopharmacognosy. 
Carly discovered Zoopharmacognosy whilst looking for a way to fix equine health issues that conventional medicine was unable to resolve and as a result trained and qualified in Equine Applied Zoopharmacognosy. Carly now heads up a team that works globally with horse owners using this modality along with teaching students at the Whitethorn Academy. 
Carly also lectures at conferences internationally and has had many articles published on her work. She also oversees the Whitethorn Herbals shop which supplies premium plant extracts suitable for equine self-selection.



פתיחת שנת הלימודים בכל סניפי המכללה בתאריך 27.11.2023. אנו מאחלים הצלחה רבה לסטודנטים ומברכים את הסטודנטים החדשים על הצטרפותם למשפחת המכללה.

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